Operational Excelence

Strategy deployment

Linking business strategy with client requirements , and ensuring it is aligned with the execution plan ( i.e. Cost optimization , productivity enhancement , and employee satisfaction) . connecting add value and cost optimization goals to facilities management staff / management KPIs

Strategy deployment

Linking business strategy with client requirements , and ensuring it is aligned with the execution plan ( i.e. Cost optimization , productivity enhancement , and employee satisfaction) . connecting add value and cost optimization goals to facilities management staff / management KPIs

Cost Efficiency & Value Creation

Focus on frugality “ Paying the right amount for the right thing “ , while setting targets to drive value through partnership with client.

Proactively stewarding Property and Infrastructure

Adapting disciplined approaches to both corrective maintenance , preventive maintenance ,and client requests.

Measurement System and Reporting

Utilizing ERP and MMS systems to ensure accurate supervision for quality of service , while putting focus on using tech to drive operational excellence.


Strong commitment to ethical behavior while dealing with clients and subcontractors . Including the compliance with antibribery laws and standard code of conduct .


Prosper environmental health and safety (EHS) policies and procedures is key in training new and existing staff . Part of the management commitment is to ensure EHS deployment across all facilities management sectors.

Customer Success Strategy

Partnership Methodology

  • Working in an open book methodology with client
  • Focus on value add and cost optimization for client

Standard Operating Procedures ( SOP )

  • Having SOP that covers all aspects of operations .Translated into training plan ,operating model ,quality model , and KPIs for staff.
  • Setting up performance management mechanisms governed by company internal policies and operational system

Response Rate

  • Setting escalation matrix for all client requests with defined SLA
  • updating all client requests on ERP & MMS system for visibility and tracking.

Reporting and Insights

  • Proactive reports to generate insights supporting client requirements
  • Weekly /monthly business reviews with client supported by tailored system reports.
  • Monthly client satisfaction survey to ensure we work on any insights or feedback provided

Quality control and Continuous improvement

Working on feedback and insights provided by both internal quality assurance team and the client ,.Doing gap analysis & sharing timely improvement plan with client

Partnership Methodology

  • Working in an open book methodology with client.
  • Focus on value add and cost optimization for client.

Standard Operating Procedures( SOP )

  • Having SOP that covers all aspects of operations .Translated
  • into training plan ,operating model ,quality model , and KPIs for staff
  • Setting up performance management mechanisms governed by company internal policies and operational system.

Response Rate

  • Setting escalation matrix for all client requests with defined SLA.
  • Updating all client requests on ERP and MMS system for visibility and tracking.

Reporting and Insights

  • Proactive reports to generate insights supporting client requirements.
  • Weekly /monthly business reviews with client supported by tailored system reports.
  • Monthly client satisfaction survey to ensure we work on any insights or feedback provided.

Quality control & Continuous improvement ​

Working on feedback and insights provided by both internal quality assurance team and the client . Doing gap analysis and sharing timely improvement plan with client.